Obligation in Turkish (-mAk şart, -mAk zorunda, -mAk mecburiyetinde, -mAyA mecbur)

How To Say “MUST/HAVE TO” In Turkish? have you heard “-mak şart or zorunda or mecbur” before? While talking about necessity in the previous lessons, we talked about -meli / -malı, -mAk lazım, -mAk gerek. You can click on the subjects to study or remember. In this lesson, we will talk about a similar structure. […]

Obligation in Turkish (-mAk şart, -mAk zorunda, -mAk mecburiyetinde, -mAyA mecbur) Read More »

Kendi in Turkish

What is KENDİ in Turkish? Kendi in Turkish is often translated as self: myself, yourself, herself, himself, himself, themselves. This word can be used alone or with possessive and case suffixes. In Which Situations Is It Used? 1. It makes the sentence reflexive. That is, the subject applies the verb to itself. ⇒Ben, kendimi seviyorum.

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what is since for in turkish -eli -alı -yeli -yalı

-eli/-alı/-yeli/-yalı In Turkish (What is “since, for” in Turkish?)

What is -eli/-alı/-yeli/-yalı in Turkish? And Why is It Used? It is used in a similar sense to the structure (-diğinden/since) that I explained in the previous lesson. -eli/ -alı / -yeli / -yalı suffixes are indicates when the verb begins. We understand that the verb is the starting point and still continuing. Just like

-eli/-alı/-yeli/-yalı In Turkish (What is “since, for” in Turkish?) Read More »

-dığından beri / -diğinden beri in Turkish (Since in Turkish)

-diğinden beri in Turkish (Since in Turkish) Before starting -diğinden beri in Turkish (since in Turkish language), it would be appropriate to remind you of the -since/-dir structure that you learned in Turkish A1. Briefly; We use -since/-dir after names to indicate when something starts or where it starts. In other words, we understand when

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Turkish Causative Verb / Ettirgen-Oldurgan Fiil in Turkish Language

Ettirgen-Oldurgan Fiil in Turkish (Turkish Causative Verb)

Ettirgen-Oldurgan Fiil in Turkish (Turkish Causative Verb) Do you know? You can report that someone else caused a job with only one suffix together verbs in Turkish. The name of this suffix is “ettirgen-oldurgan fiil ekleri”. And the name of verb that take this suffix is “ettirgen-oldurgan fiil” (Turkish Causative Verb). In such sentences, the

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