Turkish Verbal Adjectives -an, -acak, -dik (Türkçede Sıfat-Fiiller)

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There is a way to turn verbs into adjectives in Turkish! By using the verbs with some suffixes, we use them before the noun like adjectives. And we name them as Turkish verbal adjectives (sıfat-fiiller). Thus, we have a chance to produce much more adjectives. Let’s make the subject clearer in our minds with a few small examples. Then we will detail the whole issue.

Let’s remember adjectives in Turkish!

1. It is definitely used before the noun and when we ask the noun a question (which, how many, how, etc…), the adjective answers.

⇒Güzel kız (beautiful girl)

⇒Nasıl kız? (How girl?)

⇒Güzel. Beautiful.

2. In addition, we can’t use the noun we use after the adjective if we want! So we can use the adjective alone and in the same sense. But on one condition! We need to use the suffixes at the end of the noun together with the adjective.

⇒Güzel kızlar (beautiful girls)

⇒Güzeller (beautiful (girls))

 Turkish verbal adjectives (sıfat-fiiller)

⇒Bana ne ver? -Kitapları ver.

⇒Hangi kitaplar? -Okudukları kitaplar.

⇒Yani; Onlar kitap okudular. O kitapları ver.

 Turkish verbal adjectives (sıfat-fiiller)

⇒O, kimi istiyor? -O, birini istiyor.

⇒Nasıl biri? -Yemek pişirecek biri.

⇒Yani; Bir kişi yemek pişiriyor. O kişiyi istiyor.

 Turkish verbal adjectives (sıfat-fiiller)

⇒Ben kimleri görüyorum? -İnsanlar görüyorum.

⇒Nasıl insanlar? -Koşan insanlar.

⇒Yani; İnsanlar koşuyor. Ben o insanları görüyorum.


1. Turkish Verbal Adjectives With “-acak / –ecek

If the verb used as an adjective will be in the future tense, that is, if that verb has not taken place yet, it is formed with one of the suffixes -(y)ecek, -(y)acak. These suffixes are choosing according to 4 way vowel harmony. If a vowel comes after this suffix, the “k” at the end becomes “ğ”.

!!!Sometimes the possessive suffix can be used after this adjective.

  • Yarın akşam gelecek misafirlere kurabiye yaptım.

(I made cookies for the guests who will come tomorrow night.)

  • Benimle evlenecek adam zengin olmalı.

(The man who will marry me must be rich.)

  • Sinemaya gidecek kişiler burada mı?

(Are people going to the movies here?)

  • İzleyeceğimiz film çok ünlüymüş.

(The movie we will watch is very famous.)

  • Alacağı arabayı bize gösterdi.

(He showed us the car he will buy.)


2. Turkish Verbal Adjectives With “-dık/ –dik / –duk / –dük

If the verb used as an adjective takes place in the past tense (geçmiş zaman), present continuous tense (şimdiki zaman) or in the simple present tense (geniş zaman), one of the suffixes “-dık, –dik, –duk, –dük, –tık, –tik, –tuk, –tük can be used. These suffixes are choosing according to 4 way vowel harmony and consonant harmony. If a vowel comes after this suffix, the “k” at the end becomes “ğ”.

!!!Generally, the possessive suffix is used after this adjective.

  • Okuduğum kitapları hiç anlamıyorum.

(I don’t understand the books I read at all.)

  • Sen okuduğun kitapları anlıyor musun?

(Do you understand the books you read?)

  • O, verdiği sözü her zaman unutur.

(He always forgets his promise.)

  • Her zaman gittiğimiz yerlerin fotoğrafını çekerim.

(I always take pictures of the places we go.)

  • Onların gezdikleri müze İstanbul’daymış.

(The museum they visited was in Istanbul.)


3. Turkish Verbal Adjectives With “-an/ –en

If the verb used as an adjective is a verb that happens in the past (geçmiş zaman), present continuous tense (şimdiki zaman) or in the simple present tense (geniş zaman), one of the suffixes “-(y)an, -(y)en can be used. These suffixes are choosing according to 4 way vowel harmony.

!!!The possessive suffix is not used after this adjective verb suffix.

  • Seni seven insana saygı duy.

(Respect the one who loves you.)

  • Seni sevmeyeni sen de sevme.

(Don’t love someone who doesn’t love you either.)

  • Sana saygı duyanı sev.

(Love the one who respects you.)

  • Sana yardım edeni unutma.

(Don’t forget the one who helped you.)

  • Seni koruyandan uzaklaşma.

(Don’t walk away from the one who protects you.)


If you have any question about Turkish verbal adjectives (sıfat-fiiller in Turkish) or any subject about Turkish language just let me know in the comment below. Btw we also share all Turkish grammar lessons, some daily usefull tips, Turkish idioms and more about Turkish language and Turkish culture on YouTube channel! You can watch all lessons for free now! and  Just click here subscribe to don’t lose our videos.  See you in another lesson!

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