All Tenses with MİŞ in Turkish
In this lesson you are going to learn all tenses with miş in Turkish. Just like yormuş, ecekmiş, mişmiş, meliymiş, ebilmiş, seymiş, ermiş… There are their explanation and example sentences. Let’s start to take new notes!
1. -yormuş in Turkish (yor+muş)
The first tense is -yormuş in Turkish. We use “-yormuş” in Turkish for events that are in the past (happened for a while), present, near future (present continuous) or when talking about habits, common things, routines that happenning periodically, sometimes, often (present perfect). Cause you know we use “-yor” for present continuous and also for “present perfect tense” and “near future”!
BUT for verbs we hear from someone else! We are not the actual first witness of the verb. We learned from someone else, actually we aren’t there OR we are not realizing when the verb is happening. The verb is happening, happens, happened or will be happen but we just have heard from someone or we saw and just learned.
- present continuous ⇒ yor
- reported past tense ⇒ muş
⇒Emine, 2000’li yıllarda İstanbul’da yaşıyormuş.
(Emine lived in Istanbul in the 2000s.)
⇒Emine bizi pek arayamıyor. Dediğine göre haftanın her günü çalışıyormuş.
(Emine doesn’t call us much. She says she works every day of the week.)
⇒Emine yarın bizi ziyarete geliyormuş.
(Emine is coming to visit us tomorrow.)
2. -ermiş in Turkish (er+muş)
We use “-rmİş -ermiş -armış -irmiş -ırmış -urmuş -ürmüş” for the present perfect or past tense (when talking about habits, common things, routines, loved things or something happened in the past for a while).
BUT for verbs we hear from someone else! We are not the actual first witness of the verb. We learned from someone else, actually we aren’t there OR we are not realizing when the verb happens. The verb happens or happened but we just have heard from someone or we saw and we just learned.
- present perfect ⇒ r, er, ar, ır, ir, ur, ür
- reported past tense ⇒ mış, miş, muş, müş
⇒Annesinin bahsettiğine göre Emine kitap okumayı severmiş.
(According to her mother Emine loves to read.)
⇒Emine eskiden ailesiyle beraber bu evde yaşarmış.
(Emine used to live in this house with her family.)
3. -ecekmiş in Turkish (ecek+miş)
For verbs that will happen in the future, we use ecekmiş in Turkish. “-(y)ecekmiş -(y)acakmış”
BUT for verbs we hear from someone else! We learned from someone else, actually we were not there when the verb planned to be happen. The verb will be happen and people knew it but we just have heard from someone. OR we are just learning about something that is expected to happen anyway.
- future tense ⇒ (y)ecek, (y)acak
- reported past tense ⇒ miş, mış
⇒Emine beni aradı, akşama bize uğrayacakmış.
(Emine called me, she will come to visit us in the evening.)
⇒Şemsiyeni yanına al akşam yağmur yağacakmış, haberlerde duydum.
(Take your umbrella with you, it will rain in the evening, I heard on the news.)
4. -mişmiş in Turkish (miş+miş)
If you heard this for the first time, mişmiş in Turkish might be funny in Turkish. We use “-mışmış -mişmiş -muşmuş -müşmüş” recounting events from long ago OR we use it when mocking, doubting, disbelieving (We usually use it in this sense).
- reported past tense ⇒ mış, miş, muş, müş
⇒Beni çok seviyormuşmuş, beni saraylarda yaşatacakmışmış. Hahaha! Buna kim inanır be?!
((He says) He loves me very much, he will make me live in palaces. Hahaha! Who would believe that?!)
5. -meliymiş in Turkish (meli+y+miş)
“-meliymiş -malıymış” adds the meaning of necessity to the verb. (Should/have to/need to…)
BUT for verbs we hear from someone else! We are not the actual first witness of the verb. We learned from someone else, actually we aren’t there OR we are not realizing when the verb is happening. The verb is happening, happens, happened or will be happen but we just have heard from someone or we saw and just learned.
- necessity ⇒ meli, malı
- reported past tense ⇒ ymiş, ymış
⇒Hoca az önce söyledi. Her soruyu cevaplamalıymışız. Sınavda dikkatli olun. Sınav birazdan başlayacak.
(The teacher just told me. We must answer every question. Be careful in the exam. The exam will start soon.)
⇒İnanamıyorum, sen duydun mu? Ben duymadım. Her soruyu cevaplamalıymışız ve ben sınavdan sonra bunu öğrendim.
(I can’t believe it, have you heard? I did not hear. We had to answer every question and I learned that after the exam.)
6. -seymiş in Turkish (se+y+miş)
-seymiş in Turkish has several meanings. We use “-seymiş -saymış” to connect a situation to any condition (eğer=if) OR when wishing (keşke=i wish). Sometimes it can also indicate regret for a past events.
BUT for verbs we hear from someone else! We are not the actual first witness of the verb. We learned from someone else, actually we aren’t there OR we are not realizing when the verb happened but we just have heard from someone or we saw and just learned.
- dilek, şart kipi ⇒ se, sa
- reported past tense ⇒ ymiş, ymış
⇒Al işte! Kaçırdık! Daha erken gelseymişiz otobüse yetişecekmişiz.
(Well! We missed it! If we had come earlier, we would have caught the bus.)
⇒Keşke pastaya daha çok çikolata koysaymış.
(Wish they had put more chocolate in the cake.)
⇒Keşke senden habersiz yapmasaymışım çok pişmanım. Hata yaptığımın farkında değildim ama artık biliyorum. Tekrar yapmayacağım.
(I wish I hadn’t done it without you knowing, I regret it so much. I didn’t realize I was making a mistake, but now I know. I won’t do it again.)
7. -eymiş in Turkish (e+y+miş)
We “-(y)eymiş -(y)aymış” to mean request, BUT it is for past tense and realize the verb later.
- istek kipi ⇒ (y)e, (y)a
- reported past tense ⇒ ymiş, ymış
⇒Madem çocuğu boşa harcıyor, fazla para vermeyeymiş.
(The child wastes money, wish s/he didn’t give too much money.)
8. -ebilmiş Turkish (ebil+miş)
That’s Turkish equivalent of the “can, can not for past tense (could – couldn’t)” We use this construction when talking about competence, ability in the past tense. Sample; We use “-(y)ebilmiş, -(y)abilmiş” when talking about aspects such as money, power, capacity, talent in the past.
BUT for verbs we hear from someone else! We are not the actual first witness of the verb. We learned from someone else, actually we aren’t there OR we are not realizing when the verb is happening. The verb happened but we just have heard from someone or we saw and just learned.
- ability ⇒ (y)ebil, (y)abil
- reported past tense ⇒ miş
⇒Şimdi Emine’yle konuştum, sonunda havalimanına varabilmiş.
(Now I talked to Emine, she finally could got to the airport.)
⇒Annem pazardan sadece şunları alabilmiş çünkü yanında başka para yokmuş.
(My mother could only buy these from the market because she didn’t have any other money with her.)
If you study all tenses with miş in Turkish, might these grammars also can help you! You can click on the lesson you want to learn.
- Şimdiki zaman (present continious)
- Geniş zaman (present perfect)
- Duyulan / öğrenilen geçmiş zaman (Reported past tense)
- Gelecek zaman (future tense)
- Yeterlilik (Ability)
- Gereklilik (necessity)
- Dilek Kipi se sa (wish, request)
- Şart Kipi se sa (conditional)
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