A1 TURKISH VERBS (Learn 230+ Basic Turkish Verbs)

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A1 TURKISH VERBS (230+ Basic Turkish Verbs)

Here are more than 230 A1 Turkish verbs. We will continue as A1, B1, B2, C1, C2 Turkish verbs. Also you can find all A1 Turkish grammar (basic Turkish) subjects. You can click here for all A1 Turkish grammar!

A1 Turkish Verbs (Basic Turkish Verbs)
  1. Acele etmek (To hurry)
  2. Acımak (To hurt, to pity)
  3. Acıkmak (To feel hungry)
  4. Açmak (To open)
  5. Açıklamak (To explain)
  6. Affetmek (To forgive)
  7. Ağlamak (To cry)
  8. Ağrımak (To ache)
  9. Akmak (To flow)
  10. Almak (To take/to buy)
  11. Alkışlamak (to applaud)
  12. Anlamak (To understand)
  13. Anlaşmak (To agree)
  14. Anlatmak (To tell, explain)
  15. Aramak (To call, to look for, to search)
  16. Araştırmak (To search)
  17. Arzu etmek( To desire)
  18. Artmak (To increase)
  19. Atmak (To throw)
  20. Ayrılmak (To leave)
  21. Azalmak (To decrease)
  22. Bağırmak (To shout)
  23. Bağlamak (To tie, to connect)
  24. Bahsetmek (To talk about)
  25. Bakmak (To look)
  26. Balık tutmak (To catch fish)
  27. Banyo yapmak (To take a bath)
  28. Basmak (To print, to press)
  29. Başlamak (To start)
  30. Başvurmak (To apply)
  31. Beğenmek (To like)
  32. Beklemek (To wait)
  33. Beslemek (To feed)
  34. Bilmek (To know)
  35. Binmek (To get on)
  36. Bitmek (To finish)
  37. Bitirmek (To finish (something)
  38. Boyamak (To paint)
  39. Bozulmak (To spoil)
  40. Bölmek (To divide)
  41. Bulmak (To find)
  42. Buluşmak (To meet)
  43. Cevaplamak (To answer)
  44. Çağırmak (To call, to invite)
  45. Çalmak (To play, to steal)
  46. Çalışmak (To work, to study)
  47. Çarpmak (To crash)
  48. Çıkmak (To exit)
  49. Çıkarmak (To take out)
  50. Çizmek (To draw)
  51. Çözmek (To slow)
  52. Davranmak (To act, to behave)
  53. Demek (To say)
  54. Değerlendirmek (To evaluate)
  55. Değiştirmek (To change)
  56. Devam etmek (To continue)
  57. Dikmek (To stitch)
  58. Dilemek (To wish)
  59. Dinlemek (To listen)
  60. Dinlenmek (To have a rest)
  61. Doğmak (To born)
  62. Dokunmak (To touch)
  63. Dolmak (To fill)
  64. Dolaşmak (To wander, to walk around)
  65. Doymak (To be full)
  66. Dönmek (To turn)
  67. Durmak (To stop)
  68. Duymak (To hear)
  69. Duygulanmak (To get emotional)
  70. Düşmek (To fall)
  71. Düşünmek (To think)
  72. Eğlenmek (To have fun)
  73. Eşleştirmek (To match)
  74. Evlenmek (To marry)
  75. Fırçalamak (To brush)
  76. Fotoğraf çekmek (To take photo)
  77. Geç kalmak / Gecikmek (To be late)
  78. Geçmek (To pass)
  79. Gelmek (To come)
  80. Getirmek (To bring)
  81. Gezmek (To travel)
  82. Girmek (To enter)
  83. Gitmek (To go)
  84. Giymek (To wear)
  85. Göndermek (To send)
  86. Görmek (To see)
  87. Görüşmek (To meet)
  88. Göstermek (To show)
  89. Götürmek (To take away)
  90. Gülmek (To laugh)
  91. Güneşlenmek (To sunbathe)
  92. Haberleşmek (To communicate)
  93. Hareket etmek (To move)
  94. Hatırlamak (To remember)
  95. Hayal etmek (To dream)
  96. Hazırlamak (To prepare)
  97. Hediye etmek (To gift)
  98. Hoşlanmak (To like)
  99. Islanmak (To get wet)
  100. Isınmak (To warm up)
  101. İçmek (To drink)
  102. İkram etmek (To serve)
  103. İlerlemek (To advance)
  104. İletişim kurmak (To communicate)
  105. İlgilenmek (To take care, to interest)
  106. İncelemek (To examine)
  107. İptal olmak (To be canseled)
  108. İstemek (To want)
  109. İşaretlemek (To mark)
  110. İzlemek (To watch)
  111. Kabul etmek (To accept)
  112. Kaçmak (To escape)
  113. Kahvaltı etmek (To have breakfast)
  114. Kalmak (To stay)
  115. Kalkmak (To stand up, get up)
  116. Kapamak/Kapatmak (To shut down, to close)
  117. Kaplamak (To cover)
  118. Karar vermek (To decide)
  119. Karşılaşmak (To encounter)
  120. Karşılaştırmak (To compare)
  121. Katılmak (To join)
  122. Kaybetmek (To lose)
  123. Kaydetmek (To save)
  124. Kazanmak (To win)
  125. Kesmek (To cut)
  126. Kırmak (To break)
  127. Kızmak (To get angry)
  128. Koklamak (To smell)
  129. Konuşmak (To speak, to talk)
  130. Kopyalamak (To copy)
  131. Korkmak (To fear)
  132. Koşmak (To run)
  133. Koymak (To put)
  134. Kullanmak (To use)
  135. Kurma (To set up, to establish, to create)
  136. Kurtarmak (To save)
  137. Kutlamak (To celebrate)
  138. Memnun olmak (To be satisfied)
  139. Merak etmek (To be curious)
  140. Mesaj göndermek (To send a message)
  141. Mezun olmak (To graduate)
  142. Mola vermek (To take a break)
  143. Muayene etmek (To examine)
  144. Not etmek (To note down)
  145. Okumak (To read)
  146. Olmak (To be)
  147. Ortaya çıkmak (To appear)
  148. Oturmak (To sit)
  149. Oynamak (To play)
  150. Ödemek (To pay)
  151. Öğrenmek (To learn)
  152. Öğretmek (To teach)
  153. Ölmek (To die)
  154. Ölçmek (To measure)
  155. Öpmek (To kiss)
  156. Özlemek (To miss)
  157. Özür dilemek (To apologize)
  158. Para çekmek (To withdraw money)
  159. Paylaşmak (To share)
  160. Pişirmek (To cook)
  161. Rahatlamak (To relax)
  162. Rahatsız etmek (To disturb)
  163. Rica etmek (To ask, want)
  164. Sarılmak (To hug)
  165. Satmak (To sell)
  166. Satın almak (To buy)
  167. Seçmek (To choose)
  168. Selamlaşmak (To greet)
  169. Sevmek (To love)
  170. Seyahat etmek (To travel)
  171. Seyretmek (To watch, to stare)
  172. Sıkılmak (To get bored)
  173. Silmek (To delete)
  174. Sinirlenmek (To get mad)
  175. Sohbet etmek (To chat)
  176. Sormak (To ask)
  177. Söylemek (To say, to tell)
  178. Sürmek (To spread, to drive)
  179. Şaka yapmak (To joke)
  180. Şarkı söylemek (To sing)
  181. Tahmin etmek (To guess)
  182. Takmak (To wear (for accesories)
  183. Takip etmek (To follow, to chase)
  184. Takım tutmak (To support a team)
  185. Tamamlamak (To complete)
  186. Tanımak (To know someone)
  187. Tanışmak (To meet someone for the first time)
  188. Tanıtmak (To introduce)
  189. Tarif etmek (To describe)
  190. Tartışmak (To argue, to discuss)
  191. Taşımak (To carry)
  192. Tatil yapmak (To take a vacation)
  193. Tedavi etmek (To cure, to treat)
  194. Tekrar etmek/Tekrarlamak (To repeat)
  195. Telaffuz etmek (To pronounce)
  196. Telefon etmek (To call)
  197. Terk etmek (To leave)
  198. Tercih etmek (To prefer)
  199. Teşekkür etmek (To thank)
  200. Toplamak (To collect)
  201. Tutmak (To hold)
  202. Uçmak (To fly)
  203. Ulaşmak (To reach)
  204. Unutmak (To forget)
  205. Uyanmak (To wake up)
  206. Uygulamak (To apply)
  207. Uyumak (To sleep)
  208. Üşümek (To feel cold)
  209. Ütülemek (To iron something)
  210. Ütü yapmak (To iron)
  211. Üzmek (To upset someone)
  212. Varmak (To arrive)
  213. Vedalaşmak (To say goodbye)
  214. Vermek (To give)
  215. Yağmak (To rain, multiple things falling down)
  216. Yakmak (To burn)
  217. Yakalamak (To catch)
  218. Yakışmak (To suit)
  219. Yapmak (To do, to make)
  220. Yapıştırmak (To paste)
  221. Yardım etmek (To help)
  222. Yaşamak (To live)
  223. Yatmak (To sleep, to lie down)
  224. Yazmak (To write)
  225. Yemek (To eat)
  226. Yıkamak (To wash)
  227. Yorulmak (To get tired)
  228. Yönetmek (To manage)
  229. Yürümek (To walk)
  230. Yüzmek (To swim)
  231. Ziyaret etmek (To visit)
  232. Zıplamak (To jump)

You have learned basic Turkish verbs. If you have any question about A1 Turkish verbs (basic Turkish verbs) or any subject about Turkish language just let me know in the comment below. Btw we also share all Turkish grammar lessons, some daily usefull tips, Turkish idioms and moire about Turkish language and Turkish culture on YouTube channel! You can watch all lessons for free now! Just click here and subscribe to don’t lose our videos.  See you in another lesson!

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