Time in Turkish (Saat kaç? Saat Kaçta?)

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Time In Turkish


How to ask what time is it in Turkish?

If you are asking the current time, i mean if you want to know what time is now; you should say “Saat kaç?” in Turkish. If you’ve heard “Saat kaçta?” but still don’t know the difference read the end of the lesson. But if you are learning “time in Turkish” new, start to learning from tables below! Good luck:)


How to answer what time is it in Turkish?

Table 1.

01.00 Saat bir It’s one o’clock
02.00 Saat iki It’s two o’clock
03.00 Saat üç It’s three o’clock


Table 2.

04.30 Saat dört buçuk It’s half past four
05.30 Saat beş buçuk It’s half past five o’clock
06.30 Saat altı buçuk It’s half past six o’clock


Table 3. 

07.15 Saat yediyi çeyrek/on beş geçiyor. It’s quarter/fifteen past seven.
08.15 Saat sekizi çeyrek/on beş geçiyor. It’s quarter/fifteen past eight.
09.15 Saat dokuzu çeyrek/on beş geçiyor. It’s quarter/fifteen past nine.
10.15 Saat onu çeyrek/on beş geçiyor. It’s quarter/fifteen past ten.


Table 4.

11.45 Saat on ikiye çeyrek/on beş var. It’s quarter/fifteen to twelve.
12.45 Saat bire çeyrek/on beş var. It’s quarter/fifteen to one.
13.45 Saat ikiye çeyrek/on beş var. It’s quarter/fifteen to two.
14.45 Saat üçe çeyrek/on beş var. It’s quarter/fifteen to three.


Table 5.

15.05 Saat üçü beş geçiyor. It’s five past three.
16.10 Saat  dördü on geçiyor. It’s ten past four.
17.20 Saat beşi yirmi geçiyor. It’s twenty past five.
18.25 Saat altıyı yirmi beş geçiyor. It’s twenty-five past six.
19.55 Saat sekize beş var. It’s five to eight.
20.50 Saat dokuza on var. It’s ten to nine.
21.40 Saat ona yirmi var. It’s twenty to ten.
22.35 Saat on bire yirmi beş var. It’s twenty-five to eleven.

IMPORTANT! We use e/a suffixes with “var“. And we use ı/i/u/ü suffixes with “geçiyor“.



If you are asking the current time in Turkish you should say “Saat kaç?” and if you are talking about current time in Turkish you should use the sentences in the tables above.

If you are not talking about the current time and talking about time of any action in Turkish;

The question is: “Saat kaçta?” (This can be used for indicate actions time in the past or the future. Not talking about the current time.)

The answer is: Just use “geçe” instead of “geçiyor”. And use “kala” instead of “var”.

Also: For full hours and half hours, we use the suffixes “de, da, te, ta” at the end of the hour according to the vowel harmony. (onda, ikide, üçte, üç buçukta…)


⇒Dün saat kaçta okula gittin.

(What time did you go to school yesterday?)

⇒Dün sabah saat onda okula gittim.

(I went to school at ten o’clock yesterday morning.)

⇒Dün sabah saat on buçukta okula gittim.

(I went to school at half past ten yesterday morning.)

⇒Dün sabah saat onu çeyrek geçe okula gittim

(I went to school at quarter past ten yesterday morning)

⇒Dün sabah saat ona çeyrek kala okula gittim.

(I went to school at a quarter to ten yesterday morning.)


⇒Yarın saat kaçta okula gideceksin?

(What time will you go to school tomorrow?)

⇒Yarın öğleden sonra saat ikide okula gideceğim.

(I will go to school at two o’clock in the afternoon tomorrow.)

⇒Yarın öğleden sonra saat iki buçukta okula gideceğim.

(I will go to school at half past two tomorrow afternoon.)

⇒Yarın öğleden sonra ikiyi çeyrek geçe okula gideceğim.

(I’m going to school at a quarter past two tomorrow afternoon.)

⇒Yarın öğleden sonra ikiye çeyrek kala okula gideceğim.

(I’m going to school at a quarter to two tomorrow afternoon.)


You have learned basic Turkish verbs. If you have any question about time in Turkish or any subject about Turkish language just let me know in the comment below. Btw we also share all Turkish grammar lessons, some daily usefull tips, Turkish idioms and moire about Turkish language and Turkish culture on YouTube channel! You can watch all lessons for free now! Just click here and subscribe to don’t lose our videos.  See you in another lesson!

time in turkish türkçede saat

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