dative case in turkish

When To Use Dative Case In Turkish (-e -a Suffixes)

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1. WHEN TO USE DATIVE CASE (to, for, towards) IN TURKISH (e a Suffixes) and What Is It?


If we look at the grammatical rules of dative case in Turkish, it is less complex. Because it’s suffixes turns into less form. So you don’t have to check the vowel harmony a lot! This case usually gives the meaning of “approaching it, turning towards it, returning to it” to the name to which it is added to the end. Of course, apart from that, dative case has a few duties and a few exception words. In this tutorial we’ll explain it all about when to use dative case in Turkish!



  • Suffixes of dative case can seem in 2 different forms: e and a. It changes according to vowel harmony. If the last vowel is a, ı, o or u (back vowels) suffix will be a, if the last vowel is e i ö or ü (front vowels) suffix will be e.
  • If word end withp, ç, t or kthey will become tob, c, d, g. This rule is about consonant harmony. If you have questions about consonant harmony check this article. E.g. Çiçek (flower) > Çiçeğe (to flower)
  • If word end with an any vowel you have to put a “y between word and dative case suffix. (Since two vowels can not be side by side in Turkish.) For example: masa: table / masa+y+a > masaya (to table)
  • The word with dative case suffix gives the answer to the questions “Neye?(To what?), Kime? (To whom?) Nereye? (To where?)”.  Here are some sample sentences that we have prepared for you!

There are two very important words when follow these rules: “Ben (I) and Sen (You)” When adding -e -a suffixes to these words, there is a change in the root of the word:

  • Ben > Bana
  • Sen > Sana


1. Meaning Of Dative Case In Turkish:

This situation usually gives the meaning of “approaching it, turning towards it, returning to it” to the name to which it is added to the end. The answer to the question of “Neye?(To what?), Kime? (To whom?) Nereye? (To where?)” is hidden in these words.

SAMPLE SENTENCE 1: Okula gidiyorum. (I am going to school.)
QUESTION: Nereye? (To where?)
ANSWER: Okula (to school)

SAMPLE SENTENCE 2:  Pikniğe gidiyoruz. (We’re going to picnic.)
QUESTION: Nereye? (To where?)
ANSWER: Pikniğe (to picnic)

SAMPLE SENTENCE 3:  Adam taksiye biniyor. (The man is getting into the taxi.)
QUESTION: Neye? (To what?)
ANSWER: Taksiye (into the taxi)

SAMPLE SENTENCE 4:  Öğretmen tahtaya yazı yazıyor. (The teacher is writing on the board.)
QUESTION: Nereye? (To where?)
ANSWER: Tahtaya (on the board)

SAMPLE SENTENCE 5:  Öğrenci deftere not alıyor. (The student takes notes in the notebook.)
QUESTION: Neye? (To what?)
ANSWER: Deftere (in the notebook)

SAMPLE SENTENCE 6:  Bugün tiyatroya gidiyoruz. (We are going to the theater today.)
QUESTION: Nereye? (To where?)
ANSWER: Tiyatroya (to the theater)

SAMPLE SENTENCE 7: Şu manzaraya bak! (Look at that view!)
QUESTION: Neye? (To what?)
ANSWER: Manzaraya (at that view)

SAMPLE SENTENCE 8:  Akşam bize gel. (Come us this evening.)
QUESTION: Kime? (To whom?)
ANSWER: Bize (to us)

SAMPLE SENTENCE 9:  Uçağa biniyorum. (I’m getting on the plane.)
QUESTION: Neye? (To what?)
ANSWER: Uçağa (On the plane)

SAMPLE SENTENCE 10:  Bana para ver. (Give me money.)
QUESTION: Kime? (To whom?)
ANSWER: Bana (to me)

SAMPLE SENTENCE 11:  Dağa tırmanıyor. (She/He/It is climbing the mountain.)
QUESTION: Nereye? (To where?)
ANSWER: Dağa (to the mountain)

SAMPLE SENTENCE 12:  Annem beni okula bırakıyor. (My mother drops me off at school.)
QUESTION: Nereye? (To where?)
ANSWER: Okula (at school)

SAMPLE SENTENCE 13:  Bana doğru gel. (Come towards me)
QUESTION: Kime? (To whom?)
ANSWER: Bana doğru (towards me)

SAMPLE SENTENCE 14:  İstanbul’a vardı. (She/He/It arrived in Istanbul.)
QUESTION: Nereye? (To where?)
ANSWER: İstanbul’a ()

SAMPLE SENTENCE 15:  Toplantıya katılıyorum. (I am attending the meeting.)
QUESTION: Neye? (To what?)
ANSWER: Toplantıya (to the meeting)

SAMPLE SENTENCE 16:  Geç oldu, artık eve geçelim. (It’s late, let’s go home now.)
QUESTION: Nereye? (To where?)
ANSWER: Eve (to home)

SAMPLE SENTENCE 17:  Çiçeklere su veriyorum. (I water the flowers.)
QUESTION: Neye? (To what?)
ANSWER: Çiçeklere (to flowers)

SAMPLE SENTENCE 18:  Kitapları masaya koy. (Put the books on the table.)
QUESTION: Nereye? (To where?)
ANSWER: Masaya  (on the table)


2. Meaning

Dative case can add the meaning of “purpose” to the sentence.

  • Bizi karşılamaya gel. (Come to meet us.)
  •  Sınava başvur. (Apply for the exam.)


3. Meaning

It can indicate “reason” meaning.

  • Babam bana yemek yapıyor. (My father is cooking for  me.)
  • Masaya yeni bir örtü al. (Get a new cover for the table.)
  • Bu akşam sana yemek yok. (No dinner for you tonight.)
  • Sana sürprizim var. (I have a surprise for you.)
  • Bunu sana aldım. (I bought this for you.)


4. Meaning

Sometimes it indicates meaning of “time“. So, answers the question of “Ne zaman (When?)” in this state.

  • Bahara görüşürüz. (See you in spring.)
  • Yaza buraya gel. (Come here in the summer.)
  • Akşama yağmur yağacak. (It will rain in the evening.)
  • Haftaya köyden misafir gelecek. (Guests will come from the village next week.)


4. Meaning

It is used for comparison when to “appraise“. Indicates “How much?“.

  • Bu arabayı 30.000 liraya aldım. (I bought this car for  30,000 liras.)
  • Bu elbiseyi on liraya aldım. (I bought this dress for ten liras.)


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