daki ki suffixes in turkish language

daki / ki Suffixes In Turkish

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-DAki Suffix

-DAki comes to the end of the word that indicates the “location” of something and turns it into an adjective. May you confuse with suffix -de -da. But remember that -de and -da come end of the nouns and they doesn’t turn into an adjactive, they turn into an adverb. It was answer the questions “When, where?”. If you still confuse about that lesson check here right now. But if you are okey, continue this lesson with -daki.

The word with the suffix -DAki is an adjective that answers the question “Hangi …? (which ….?)” is asked to the noun. This suffix is used end of the noun and turns the noun into an adjective.


  • The suffix that comes to the end of words has 2 different forms: -deki -daki.
  • We are going to check vowel harmony to choose right suffix. So, if the last vowel of the root word is a, ı, o or u  the suffix should contain a (-daki). But, if the last vowel of the root word is e, i, ö or ü the suffix should contain e (-deki).

That means after checking the vowel harmony, the suffix containing the most suitable vowel is selected. Now you have 2 different ways to choose right suffix: daki, or -deki. But you see that’s not enough! How to choose right first letter of suffix? Why? Couse suffix start with “d“. What are we going to do?

  • Remember consonant harmony. If root word end with one of these letters: f, s, t, k, ç, ş, h, p; in this case suffix start with t (-taki -teki). But if root word doesn’t end with one of these letters: f, s, t, k, ç, ş, h, p; in this case suffix start with d (-daki -deki).

Example Sentences

  • Ağaçtaki kuş (the bird on tree)
  • Arabadaki bebek (the baby in car)
  • Ormandaki ev (the house in the forest)
  • Parktaki salıncaklara bindim. (I rode the swings in the park.)
  • Sandalyedeki çanta kimin? (Whose bag which is on the chair?)
  • Şu pastanedeki poğaçalar nefis. (The pastries in that patisserie are delicious.)
  • Her hafta sonu karşıdaki balıkçıdan balık alıyoruz. (We buy fish from the fisherman across the street every weekend.)
  • Türkiye’nin güneyindeki denizin adı ne? (What is the name of the sea in the south of Turkey?)
  • Ankara’daki evimiz, İzmir’deki evimizden geniş. (Our house in Ankara is larger than our house in Izmir.)
  • İstanbul’daki müzeleri gezdin mi? (Have you visited the museums in Istanbul?)
  • Tabaktaki yemeği bitir. (Finish the food on the plate.)
  • Annem, elindeki poşeti bana verdi. (My mother gave me the bag she was holding.)
  • Masadaki bardağı ben kırdım. (I broke the glass on the table.)


-ki Means in Turkish

-ki suffix more complicated than the firs suffix but don’t be afraid. It has two different tasks. It can make word an adjective and also can make it pronoun. If you understand this two differences you’ll get over this issue easily.


  • Good news! -ki suffix doesn’t have a different form! We don’t have to check any harmony rules. Yes, it is -ki everytime just except these words. Gün (day) bugün (today) and dün (yesterday): gün, bugün, dün.


1. Mean

It makes word adjective just as -daki. But this time it comes to the end of the word that indicates the “time” of something. The word with the suffix -ki is an adjective that answers the question “Hangi …? (which ….?)” is asked to the noun again. This suffix is used end of the word and turns the word into an adjective. For example Hangi film? (Which movie?) Akşamki film (the movie which is in tonight. / tonight’s movie )

Example Sentences

  • Akşamki film güzel miydi? (Was the tonight’s movie good?)
  • Öğleden sonraki derse girecek misin? (Are you going to take the afternoon’s class?)
  • Dün gazeteleri okudun mu? (Did you read yesterday’s newspapers?)
  • Bugün filme gitmek istemiyorum. (I don’t want to go to the today movie.)
  • Yarınki şenlikte hangi sanatçılar var? (Which artists are at the tomorrow festival?)
  • Geçen ayki soğuklar bitti. (Last month’s cold is over.)

When using months names you should use -TAki.

  • Hazirandakisınav çok zordu. (The June exam was very difficult.)
  • Ağustostaki sıcakları özledim. (I miss the August heat.)

Also after these words use same suffix.

  • Gece yarısındaki …… (midnight …..)
  • Öğle arasındaki …….(lunch time ….)

2. Mean

If you remember compound nouns subject in Turkish you’ll understand faster this situation. There is there is two nouns in a phrase and it indicates the owner of something: Benim kalemim (my pencil), senin kitabın (your book), Emine’nin bilgisayarı (Emine’s computer), evin anahtarı (house’s key)… In this case  the noun after the owner is go and -ki suffix come instead of it. For example:

Benim bilgisayarım = Benimki,

Senin kitabın = Seninki,

Emine’nin bilgisayarı = Emine’ninki

This suffix’s aim is to make speech fluent by using a suffix rather than repeating the same word over and over. You can think that this is an alternative speak faster.  But do not forget that the noun you use instead of the suffix -ki must have occurred at least once before in the conversation. Otherwise, there will be a lack of explanation and what you say may not be understood.

Example Sentences

  • Bu benim silgim. Senin silgin nerede? (This is my eraser. Where is your eraser?)
  • Bu benim silgim. Seninki nerede? (This is my eraser. Where is yours?)


  • Bizim oğlumuz doktor. Sizin oğlunuz ne iş yapıyor? (Our son is a doctor. What does your son do?)
  • Bizim oğlumuz doktor. Sizinki ne iş yapıyor? (Our son is a doctor. What does yours do?)


  • Sizin anahtarınız burada, Ömer’in anahtarı nerede? (Your key is here, where is Omer’s key?)
  • Sizin anahtarınız burada, Ömer’inki nerede? (Your key is here, where is Ömer’s?)


  • Senin yazın çok güzel. Kardeşinin yazısı da güzel mi? (Your writing is beautiful. Is your sister’s writing good too?)
  • Senin yazın çok güzel. Kardeşininki de güzel mi? (Your writing is beautiful. Is your sister’s good too?)


  • Benim odamda koltuk var. Onun odasında koltuk yok. (There is an armchair in my room. There is no armchair in his room.)
  • Benim odamda koltuk var. Onunkinde yok. (There is an armchair in my room. There is no in his.)

The suffix -ki is written after the genitive suffix. If there is an another case suffix (-a, -da, -dan…) in the sentence, it is written buffer letter (n) and case suffix just after -ki. For example: o+nun+ki+n+de

  • genitif suffix + ki + buffer letter + case suffixes

-nın /-nin /-nun /-nün  ki + n+ -a /-ı /-da /-dan…

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