In the simplest terms, these suffixes serve to use purpose and conclusion sentences in a single sentence. In other words, a sentence is made that why the verb is done. First, the sentence stating the purpose is written, then any of the structures for “-mak üzere” or “-mak için” is written. Finally, the conclusion sentence is written.
purpose sentence + mak üzere / mak için + conclusion sentence
Let’s examine the sentence above. He/she went to the market. “Why” did he/she go to the market? He/she went to the market “to” buy bread. We write the sentence about the purpose, that is, why he/she does the job, at the beginning. We write the work that gives a result, that is, done for a certain purpose, at the end.
You see the same meaning with a different structure in the above picture. “-mak için” used in the 1. example sentence and “-mak üzere” used in the 2. sentences. But the meaning is still same as you see. So, you can use both of structure to describe purpose and conclusion in one sentence.
- Both of these structures have 2 different forms just according to 2 way vowel harmony. If the last vowel of the word is “a, ı, o or u” the suffix will be “-mak üzere” or “-mak için“. But if the last vowel of the word is “e, i, ö or ü” the suffix will be “-mek üzere or -mek için”.
- 1. way: a, ı, o, u > -mak üzere, -mak için
- 2. way: e, i, ö, ü > -mek üzere, -mek için
Sample Sentences With -mak üzere/ -mak için
- Misafirleri karşılamak üzere aşağı indi. (He went downstairs to greet the guests.)
- Misafirleri karşılamak için aşağı indi. (He went downstairs to greet the guests.)
- Arkadaşıyla buluşmak üzere parka gitti. (He went to the park to meet his friend.)
- Arkadaşıyla buluşmak için parka gitti. (He went to the park to meet his friend.)
- Yaşlı kadını yoldan geçirmek üzere elinden tuttu. (He/she took her by the hand to pass the old woman down the road.)
- Yaşlı kadını yoldan geçirmek için elinden tuttu. (He/she took her by the hand to pass the old woman down the road.)
- Balık tutmak üzere oltasını hazırladı. (He prepared his fishing rod for fishing.)
- Balık tutmak için oltasını hazırladı. (He prepared his fishing rod for fishing.)
- Akşam güneşini seyretmek üzere balkona çıktı. (He went out to the balcony to watch the evening sun.)
- Akşam güneşini seyretmek için balkona çıktı. (He went out to the balcony to watch the evening sun.)
Just the “-mak/-mek üzere” construction is also used to emphasize that the time of verb will happen is very soon.
- Toplantı başlamak üzere. (The meeting is about to begin.)
- Öğretmen sınıfa girmek üzere. (The teacher is about to enter the classroom.)
- Hapşırıyorum, galiba hastalanmak üzereyim. (I’m sneezing, I think I’m about to get sick.)
- Uçağımız kalkmak üzere. (Our plane is about to take off.)
In verbs whose realization is not in the control of the subject, the “-mak/-mek üzere” structure is not used! ONLY the “to-mak/-mek için” structure is used. What should be noted here is the verb of the purpose sentence. He/she wants to reach his goal, but whether he will reach his goal is not in his hands. In this case, only the “to-mak/-mek için” structure is preferred.
- İyileşmek için ilaç kullanıyorum. (I take medicine to heal.)
The “-mak/-mek üzere” structure is mostly used in official places. The structure “-mak/-mek için” is mostly used in daily and simple conversations, and this is more common.
- Cumhurbaşkanı diğer bakanlarla görüşmek üzere toplantıya katıldı. (The President attended the meeting to meet with other ministers.)
- Televizyon seyretmek için salona geçiyorum. (I go into the living room to watch TV.)
You should definitely pay attention to this point. By now you have learned that two verbs are used in these sentences. Two sentences and two different verbs. One with the meaning of “purpose” and the other with the meaning of “result“. But what if the subjects of these two sentences are different? In this case, our structure changes a little. In this case, we just use the “-mak/-mek için” construct. There is one more detail. Instead of “-mak/-mek”, we only use “-ma/-me” suffixes and use a possessive suffix right after “-ma/-me”.
verb + ma/me + possesive suffix için
İstanbul’a gitmem için bana bir bilet aldı.
(She/he bought me a ticket to go İstanbul.)
You can see it in the example above. There are 2 different verbs. verbs “gitmek (to go)” and “bilet almak (to buy a ticket)”. Two actions are performed by 2 “different” people. İstanbul’a “BEN” gideceğim. (I will go to Istanbul.) Bileti “O” aldı. (“He” bought the ticket.) The verb “to go” is in the first person singular “ben” (I). The verb “to buy a ticket” is performed by the third person singular “o” (she/he).
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