what is since for in turkish -eli -alı -yeli -yalı

-eli/-alı/-yeli/-yalı In Turkish (What is “since, for” in Turkish?)

What is -eli/-alı/-yeli/-yalı in Turkish? And Why is It Used? It is used in a similar sense to the structure (-diğinden/since) that I explained in the previous lesson. -eli/ -alı / -yeli / -yalı suffixes are indicates when the verb begins. We understand that the verb is the starting point and still continuing. Just like

-eli/-alı/-yeli/-yalı In Turkish (What is “since, for” in Turkish?) Read More »

-dığından beri / -diğinden beri in Turkish (Since in Turkish)

-diğinden beri in Turkish (Since in Turkish) Before starting -diğinden beri in Turkish (since in Turkish language), it would be appropriate to remind you of the -since/-dir structure that you learned in Turkish A1. Briefly; We use -since/-dir after names to indicate when something starts or where it starts. In other words, we understand when

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Necessity in Turkish (Gereklilik Kipi meli/malı)

Necessity in Turkish (Gereklilik Kipi meli/malı)

Necessity in Turkish (Gereklilik Kipi meli/malı) Necessity in Turkish (Gereklilik Kipi meli/malı) generally give the meaning of necessity, obligation, advice. This construct is called the “gereklilik kipi” (necessity, obligation) in Turkish. It is often used similar meanings to the “should” in English. Again this structure doesn’t have time meaning. But it can be used with

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What Is The İşteş Fiil / İşteş Çatı In Turkish Language? (-ş -ış -iş -uş -üş -laş -leş Suffixes In Turkish)

What Is The “İşteş Fiil / İşteş Çatı” In Turkish Language? (-ş -ış -iş -uş -üş -laş -leş Suffixes In Turkish)

What Is The “İşteş Fiil / İşteş Çatı”. What Does “İşteş Fiil / İşteş Çatı” Do? Although the suffixes named işteş çatı / işteş fiil you will learn today cannot be used with every verb, it is a common construction in many Turkish verbs and in daily usage. You can use them to mean “together

What Is The “İşteş Fiil / İşteş Çatı” In Turkish Language? (-ş -ış -iş -uş -üş -laş -leş Suffixes In Turkish) Read More »