-akalmak / -adurmak in Turkish (Süreklilik fiili)

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-ekalmak/ -akalmak in Turkish, -edurmak/ -adurmak in Turkish

This suffix gives this meaning to the verb it is used with: The verb has continued, continues or will “continue for a while”.


⇒Karşımda seni bir anda görünce şaşakaldım.

(I was surprised (for a while) to see you in front of me all of a sudden.)

⇒Korkunç sözleri karşısında donakaldı.

(S/he was stunned (for a while) by his terrible words.)

⇒Ben dönene kadar siz bu oyuncaklarla oynayadurun.

(Keep playing with these toys until I get back.)

⇒Yol bitmedi! Günlerce gidedurduk.

(The road is not over! We went (for a while) for days.)


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-akalmak in Turkish / -adurmak in Turkish süreklilik fiili in turkish

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