-ce / -ca / -çe / -ça Suffixes In Turkish

-ce / -ca / -çe / -ça Suffixes In Turkish

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-ce / -ca / -çe / -ça Suffixes are very useful because they have a lot of place to use. In this lesson you’ll learn their meaning and which place you can use them. Of course with a lot of sample words!

1. To Name Languages

  • Türk [Turkish (people)]  >   Türkçe (Turkish language)
  • İspanyol [Spanish (people)]   >   İspanyolca (Spanish language)
  • Arap [Arabic (people)]   >   Arapça (Arabic language)
  • İngiliz [British (people)]   >   İngilizce (English language)
  • Alman [German (people)]   >   Almanca (German language)
  • Fransız [French (people)]   >   Fransızca (French language)


2. Like a ……

It gives the meaning of “like, alike”.

  • Bana düşmanca (düşman gibi) davranma. / Do not act unfriendly (like an enemy) to me.
  • Hala çocukça (çocuk gibi) davranıyorsun. / You’re still acting childish (like a child).

3. In A …(adverb)… Way

It comes to the end of the adverbs. It gives the meaning of “in a ……(adverb)…… way”.

  • Ayşe, sessizce (sessiz bir şekilde) bir şey söyledi. / Ayşe said something quietly (in a quiet way).
  • Selim, gizlice (gizli bir şekilde) bizi izliyor. / Selim is secretly (in a secret way) watching us.

4. All of ……

It gives the meaning of “all of it, all together” to the word it comes to the end of.

  • Ailece (bütün aile üyeleri birlikte) pikniğe gideriz. / We go on a picnic as a family (all family members together).
  • Hafta sonu sınıfça (bütün sınıf birlikte) geziye gittik. / On the weekend, we went on a trip


5. In terms of ……

It adds the meaning of “in terms of ……(word)……” to the word it comes to the end of.

  • Akılca (akıl bakımından / olarak) benden daha üstün değilsin. / You are not higher than me in terms of mind.


6. According to ……

It adds the meaning of “according to … / in … opinion” to the word it comes to the end of. But there is an important point that you should pay attention. To remember this point click here previous lesson.

  • Bence mavi elbise güzel. / I think the blue dress is beautiful.
  • Bence basketbol futboldan daha eğlenceli. / I think basketball is more fun than football.
  • Bizce oraya gitmemelisin. / We don’t think you should go there.
  • Sizce Türkçe kolay bir dil mi? / Do you think Turkish is an easy language?


7. Slightly / A little …(adjective)….  …(noun)…

It also means “not a lot but a little too much”. E.g büyükçe (not very big, a little big)

  • Ormanda yaşlıca (biraz yaşlı) bir adam dolaşıyor. / A slightly old man is walking in the forest.


8. For …..s

It adds the meaning of “for a very long time” by combining with words that have the meaning of time and exaggerating.

  • Dün saatlerce televizyon izledi. / He/she/it watched TV for hours yesterday.
  • Günlerce senden haber bekledim. / I’ve been waiting for news from you for days.
  • Bu sınav için haftalarca ders çalıştım. / I studied for weeks for this exam.
  • Erkek kardeşim yıllarca İstanbul’da yaşadı. / My brother lived in Istanbul for years.


9. ….. Of …..

Combined with words denoting number and weight, it adds the meaning of multiplicity (too much) in terms of quantity.

  • Tonlarca su sokağı bastı. / Tons of water flooded the streets.
  • Kilolarca altınları varmış. / They have kilos of gold.
  • Metrelerce uzunlukta arabası var. / He has a meters of long car.
  • Onlarca işi bir gecede nasıl bitireceksin? / How are you going to finish dozens of jobs in one night?
  • Sana yüzlerce defa söyledim, yeter artık! / I’ve told you a hundred of times, enough is enough!
  • Konserde binlerce insan vardı. / There were thousands of people at the concert.
  • Bilim adamlarına göre milyarlarca yıl önce güneş sistemi ortaya çıktı. / According to scientists, the solar system emerged billions of years ago.


10. Too Much …..

This adds the meaning of multiplicity by coming to the end of the words “bu(this), şu(that) and o(it)”

  • Bunca (bu kadar çok) işi bir gecede nasıl bitireceksin? / How are you going to finish this much (so much) work in one night?
  • Şunca (şu kadar çok) işi bir gecede nasıl bitireceksin? / How are you going to finish that much (so much) job in one night?
  • Onca (o kadar çok) işi bir gecede nasıl bitireceksin? / How are you going to finish all it much (so much) work in one night?

If you have any question about Turkish language just let me know in the comment below. Btw we also share all Turkish grammar lessons, some daily usefull tips, Turkish idioms and more about Turkish language and Turkish culture on YouTube channel! You can watch all lessons for free now! Just click here and subscribe to don’t lose our videos.  See you in another lesson!

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