This is one of the most easy grammar subject in Turkish language. Both of them have same meaning. “…e/a göre” or “…ce/ca” is used to indicate that it is her/ his personal opinion. This structure is used to say “in … opinion”, “according to …” “according to …. opinionon”, “…. think” in English. For example;
Biz (we) + ce (suffix) = Bizce
Biz (we) + e göre = Bize göre
- When we put -e/-a suffixes at the end of ben (i) and sen (you), these two words changes as ban and san. E.g. Bana göre (according to me) sana göre (according to you)
- Also for other words we choose the right suffix according to vowel harmony. If the last vowel of root word is “a, ı, o or u” –a suffix comes end of the word. If the last vowel of the root word is “e, i, ö or ü” –e suffix comes end of the word. E.g. Siz (plural-you) > size göre (according to you)
- -ce and -ca comes end of the word according to vowel harmony again. If the last vowel of root word is “a, ı, o or u” –ca suffix comes end of the word. If the last vowel of the root word is “e, i, ö or ü” –ce suffix comes end of the word. E.g. Siz (plural-you) > sizce (according to you)
- O (he, she, it) and Onlar (they) don’t take -ce /-ca suffix. They are just using with -a göre/-e göre suffix. If you say “onca” or “onlarca” you mean “a lot”!
- Also names and other words used in place of the a name don’t take -ce /-ca suffix. They are just using with -a göre/-e göre suffix.
Example Words With A göre and cA Suffix In Turkish
Ben (i): Bana göre / Bence
Sen (you): Sana göre / Sence
O (he, she, it): Ona göre / …..x…..
Biz (we): Bize göre / Bizce
Siz (plural-you): Size göre/ Sizce
Onlar (they): Onlara göre / …..x…..
Emine (a girl name): Emine’ye göre / …..x…..
Adam (man): Adama göre / …..x…..
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