BE BETTER ON TURKISH ABLATIVE CASE IN 8 STEPS from, of, than (-den, -dan, -ten, tan)

It is one of the most commonly used suffixes in Turkish and confusing for foreigners. As in many courses, you need to have a good command of 2 grammar subjects before starting this course. First of all, it is useful to know the big vowel harmony in Turkish, then the consonant harmaony. Only after knowing […]

BE BETTER ON TURKISH ABLATIVE CASE IN 8 STEPS from, of, than (-den, -dan, -ten, tan) Read More »

Colors in Turkish

For more tips about this subject you can also watch this lesson. For making practice don’t forget to take exam about colors.  The exam is also at the end of the video! Good luck:) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-Ipb8CSO8U 1. BEYAZ Ödevini beyaz bir kağıda yaz. meyvelerle dolu.(Write your homework on a white paper) 2. SARI Sarı renkli kıyafetler

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Turkish Vowel Harmony

You’ve probably heard of vowel harmony. It will seem complicated to you at the beginning stage. But we Turks want to make less effort when speaking. We want the words to flow without forcing our tongue and without getting tired. That’s why what we call vowel harmony exists. Why do we learn about vowel harmony?

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